Choosing Our SDG

The second week we had a conversation about the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). As a group, we decided to choose two that are relevant and interesting to Israeli society. We chose number 6, clean water and sanitation and number 13, climate action. 

What is Innovation

The first week we began by introducing ourselves. We shared our names, interesting facts, and what we like to do. We then began to explore the definition of innovation. We searched on our computers and came up with a list of words and sentences that connect to Innovation.  

How will our idea work?


Presentation file: 

How will our idea work?


In the second week, a class technician (mechanic) came to explain  about the structure of the vehicle, the process of burning the fuel and releasing toxic gases from the vehicle outside.

Presentation file: 

first week

The preparation for the class was easy and I found materials very easily. I had the book at home and found pages from a blog that I really like and appreciate.

What is innovation?


The students learned the concept of "innovation" and explained why innovation is important to the world. then explored the existing Israeli inventions and the need for these inventions.

Presentation file: 
