
Our Projects

Choosing SDG

In our school we have a lot of studentes with inequalities, as far as the region. Our goal is develop a prototype for a litle sutend in our school, to help her guide her school material, because she has a degenerative disesease. she can not trasport her school material, by her hands, so we are planing to do a robotic prototype to improve and reduce her inequalitie. We are trying to do some action in our community, to allert for climate changes. We are making several videos to share in our community, in our language, to help them understand some of the consequnces of climate changes.


Choosing SDG

Claudia Susana de Araújo e Silva Azevedo

Ponte de Lima

I am a science teatcher with experience on ambiental projets.

School: freixo school cluster, Ponte de Lima, Portugal