Innovation is a change that unlocks new value. Jammie Notter. In light of the above statement, Innovation truly is an activity one undertakes every day to improve one’s lifestyle, learning and outlook. Innovation could be a water bottle cleaner that opens from below and the cleaning process is done.
Innovation as comprehended by Satyans is Creativity, Adding value to an existing idea, exploring a commercial and viable application of a new idea. Students appreciated the Un Sustainable Goals and tried to innovate a product in line with the Un sustainable Goals .The brain storming sessions on Defining Innovation ,appreciating the changes that innovations have made to Modern Life helped students probe and traverse to gain insights into the new world they wish to live in 2030.
Students decided on a Prototype by brainstorming on the various ideas of Innovation. Unanimously closing down of REM SWAPANwas indeed an amazing learning experience. Students made a prototype and explained their prototype by a tutorial.
The ICT Tools used by Students of Sat Paul Mittal School gave an insight into the applications that enhance learning in the digital world .Students made tutorials on usage of Sway, Renderforest, Minecraft and helped students in learning through experience. Sway is an easy-to-use digital storytelling app for creating interactive reports, presentations, personal stories. Renderforest is an online video production platform that allows individuals and businesses to create “broadcast quality” videos for private or business use .Minecraft as a gaming tool could be used as teaching and Learning aid . Besides this a 11 year old child has made numerous tutorials on how to use Forms, Maps, Drive, Hangouts, Blogs the list is endless
A five week extensive interesting project on Innovation focused on enhancing 21st century skill set in students by concentrating on Creativity and imagination,Collaboration with International Schools and communication through using ICT Tools was indeed an educative and explorative enlightening experience .The Satyan Team consisted for students from Age Group 11-15.The interactive sessions conducted by students to arrive at Definitions ,Product Innovation ,Use of ICT Tools in line with the Un Sustainable goals was an enriching experience.
Colloboration with international Schools through skype session has helped students appreciate the fact that using ICT tools we have taken Learning to a Global outlook and Reach.Innovation is indeed a vision for learning and growth are the promises a mindset for a bright future .