Ahlcon International School

Earth Day is an annual event celebrated on April 22. Worldwide, various events are held to demonstrate support for environmental protection. This year theme is “END PLASTIC POLLUTION”. SDGsForChildren is supporting the cause and take pledge to spread awareness about EarthDay among children.

We are starting the campaign #SDGsGreenCampaign and welcome students across globe to participate in the campaign.

#SDGsGreenCampaign includes four major components:

  • Participate in the online survey on how you can contribute to save earth.

  • Share your picture and any one thing which you think and pledge to #GiveUp to make the earth a better planet and make consumption of resources sustainable. It can be as small as giving up the use of straws or polythene.

  • Spread the awareness about Earth Day in the community through your Blog, Video or Pictures with us.

  • Share your activity or initiative which you are doing around Earth day in your community, Submit your entries to our Email ID : The same would be showcased on our website.

“Earth Day is a day of responsibility to our planet, responsibility to the people who inhabit it, to the nature itself, of which we are a part.” - S.P. Kapitsa

6 Clean water and sanitation
13 Climate action