EducAid Sierra Leone Rolal Port Loko

The students have worked together and had thought about the specific SDG they are to focus on. Considring the state of education in our country, they have decided as a group to focus on quality education.

After thinking on focusing on quality education, they also thought of innovations that can be related to quality education and they were able to bring up the following innovations relating to quality education considring the state of the country.


 1) Introduction of Phonics teaching in our school system in Sierra Leone. Phonics teaching has not been introduced in our school system in Sierra Leone and they think it should be introduced from primary to scondary school level, then pupils will be able to read and spell well.

2) Training of rural teachers especially those in the villages on modern and resent teaching techinques. According to the students they believe most of the schools in Sierra Leone, especially those in the villages are lacking trained and qualified teachers and even those that are trained cannot afford to work with modern teaching systems/methods. So the students believe if modern teaching training can be provided by NGOs or government to rural teachers in Sierra Leone, then there will be hope of having quality education.







4 Quality education
New invention or prototype?: 
Existing innovation?: 