Selected Student Reflections

Innovation Project

Selected Student Reflections for weeks 1 and 2




Week 1 Questions

Using Little Bits to Innovate

Our class loves using Little Bits to create and innovate for the Global Goals 

Video on YouTube: 

Week 1 Innovation Project

Students were asked to answer the question "What is innovation?" Some students philosophized, some looked for examples, and others built innovations.

Wonder Brush! Clean Water/Good Health & Wellness

After researching about water, we realized that some of our daily routines actually waste a lot of it, especially for hygienic purposes. We decided to modify the normal toothbrush by placing filters inside of it.

VR Surgical Practice

It began as an idea to help others get access to good doctors, and doctors getting access to patients and patient care practice through VR.  It has evolved into health care practice that can be operated with VR/robotics.  

SDG 14 Innovation "Make- a Thon"

12th grade students in government class chose SDG 14 Life Under Water as their favorite goal.  They worked with materials in a mobile makerspace including little bits to quickly innovate a solution to SDG 14.  studnets grouped up and addressed the issues that were most important to them.  

Video on YouTube: 

Bioluminescent Plants- Free/Sustainable/Secure/Inclusive Light Source!

A kiddo who is out with severe migraine headaches asked me to turn this in for him to be considered for the jury.  His mom thinks he spent too much time working in the dark last week and weekend trying to create his bioluminescent plant prototypes for the Innovation Project.  HAHAHA.  

Presentation file: 
