Innovation Exploration

Students were given the task of exploring an innovation or invention of their choice.  During their research they were to discover information about the history/development of the innovation/invention, some benefits of it, unexpected side effects and where they predicted the innovation would go i

What is Innovation anyway?

Students describe what innovation is to them. IPHONEs, GPS, remote starting cars, self checkouts...what is next? Is the rate of innovation slowing down? Do we need a new innovative word to describe "Innovation"?

Innovation, Frankenstein and the World

Week 1 Innovation Project

What is Innovation?

Our discussions about innovation resulted in these thoughts from students at Dunnville Secondary School, Ontario, Canada

Week 1: Innovation: Superhumans ... who are they?

Thursday, April 19th.

What is innovation? How has innovation changed the world?

Students worked together to define innovation and brainstorm recent innovations.  Students challenged each other to think of how these innovations were positive or negative for our world.
